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Healthy food: Tofu! What is difference between Kinugoshi tofu (silken tofu) and Momen tofu (firm tofu)? Plus tofu recipes


Tofu is used around. It’s really cheap, healthy and delicious. You can often find two types at a supermarket, kinugoshi tofu and momen tofu, which refers to silken tofu and firm tofu. Do you know the difference between the two?



What is tofu?

It is said tofu is originally from China. It’s made by curdling soy milk and forming it into a solid block. Tofu is really common in many Asian countries. It matches well with other Japanese food, and is a staple in miso soup. Tofu is healthy and low in calories, rich in nutrients, and rich in volume, so we sometimes use it instead of meat.


What is the difference between Kinugoshi Tofu and Momen tofu?

  1. Kinugoshi tofu (silken tofu)


Kinugoshi tofu is made by adding a coagulant to soy milk, which is thicker than firm tofu, and then solidifying it. It tastes lightly sweet and soft and has a moister texture than firm tofu. This tofu is really soft, so if you use to stir and fry, it crumbles easily. I recommended using salad or eating it as is. We often put it in hot pot dishes, too.

2. Momen tofu (firm tofu)


Momen tofu is made by adding a coagulant to soy milk, solidifying it once, breaking it down, then squeezing the water under pressure to solidify it again. It has more volume and is richer in taste. It looks rougher and is harder than silken tofu, so it can be used to stir, boil, and fry. Momen tofu is really suitable for boiled dishes because it easily to absorbs flavours.



Recommended Tofu recipes

1. Kinugoshi tofu (silken tofu) recipe: Wafu tofu salad


Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves 2


  • 40g leafy vegetables

  • 150g silken tofu

  • 10g small green onion 

  • 13g minced garlic


  • 22.5ml sesame oil

  • 22.5ml soy sauce

  • 15ml vinegar


1. Shred leafy vegetables with your hands.

2. Cut the tofu into 8 pieces.


3. Make a dressing, put all seasonings, garlic, and green onion and then mix well.

4. Place the salad and tofu on the plate.

5. Drizzle the dressing you want amount over the plate, all done! You can enjoy the delicious salad.


2. Momen tofu (firm tofu) recipe: tofu steak


Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves 2


  • 300g firm tofu

  • 18g potato starch

  • a pinch of spring onion


  • 15ml cooking sake

  • 30ml soy sauce

  • 5ml mirin ( Japanese sweet rice wine) 

  • 3g sugar

  • Salad oil for frying


1. Chop the spring onion and put aside.

2. Mix all seasonings.

3. Wrap the tofu in kitchen paper to drain water and microwave at 600 watts for 3 minutes without cling wrap.


4. Let the tofu cool down and then, cut the tofu into 1/8th pieces.

5. Coat the tofu pieces with potato starch, pat the excess flour off with your hand.


6. Bring the pan up to medium heat and put oil in the pan. Stir the tofu pieces until changing light brown both side.


7. Add sauce and simmer for 1-2 minutes.


8. Toss the spring onion on the dish.

9. All done! Enjoy with rice!



When I was cooking the above recipes, their hardness was completely different and I really thought Kinugoshi tofu is not really suitable for stir-fry dishes. It is really important to check with which is the best for cooking. The above recipes are really easy to cook, so please give it a try. When you try it, please tell me how was it.

Writer: Yuki Takatani

*1 日本豆腐協会│豆腐の原料・作り方, 絹?木綿?料理に合わせた豆腐の種類の使い分け | ピントル
*2 万能ダレの豆腐サラダ 作り方・レシピ
*3 ふわふわ甘辛! 豆腐の照り焼きステーキのレシピ動画・作り方